
Loop Mode

Implementing infinite loop navigation in React Pagination Pro


Loop Mode

Pagination with infinite loop navigation

Current page items: 5

function LoopModeExample() {
  const [currentItems, setCurrentItems] = useState(ITEMS.slice(0, 5));
  return (
    <div className="space-y-4">
      <h2 className="text-2xl font-bold">Loop Mode</h2>
      <p className="text-neutral-600">Pagination with infinite loop navigation</p>
      <div className="rounded-lg border p-4">
        <p>Current page items: {currentItems.length}</p>
        onChange={({ currentPage, pageSize }) => {
          const start = (currentPage - 1) * pageSize;
          setCurrentItems(ITEMS.slice(start, start + pageSize));

Loop Mode Features

Enabling Loop Mode

Simply set the isLoop prop to true:

  // ... other props

In loop mode:

  • Clicking "next" on the last page returns to the first page
  • Clicking "previous" on the first page goes to the last page

Customizing Loop Transition

Add custom transition effects:

  loopTransition="slide" // or "fade"
  // ... other props

Use Cases

  1. Image Galleries: Perfect for cycling through images
  2. Carousel Navigation: Ideal for continuous content rotation
  3. Infinite Lists: Great for cyclical content viewing
  4. Product Showcases: Seamless product browsing

Best Practices

  1. Visual Indicators:

    • Show current position in the loop
    • Indicate that content loops infinitely
  2. Performance:

    function OptimizedLoopExample() {
      // Pre-cache adjacent pages
      const [cachedItems, setCachedItems] = useState({});
      useEffect(() => {
        // Cache next and previous pages
        const cacheAdjacentPages = (currentPage) => {
          const nextPage = currentPage === totalPages ? 1 : currentPage + 1;
          const prevPage = currentPage === 1 ? totalPages : currentPage - 1;
          // Cache logic here
      }, [currentPage]);
  3. Accessibility:

    • Announce page changes to screen readers
    • Maintain keyboard navigation support
  4. User Experience:

    • Consider adding transition animations
    • Provide clear navigation cues

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