A versatile pagination component that provides both controlled and uncontrolled modes with extensive customization options.
- 🎨 Fully customizable styling with Tailwind CSS
- 🔄 Controlled and uncontrolled modes
- 📱 Responsive design
- ♿ Accessible by default
- 🔧 Extensive configuration options
- 🔄 Server-side pagination support
- 🔁 Loop mode for infinite navigation
- 🎯 Custom boundaries and siblings
Basic Usage
Basic Pagination
Simple pagination with default settings
Current Items: 10
API Reference
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
totalItems | number | Required | Total number of items to paginate |
defaultPageSize | number | 10 | Number of items per page |
currentPage | number | - | Current page number (controlled mode) |
defaultCurrentPage | number | 1 | Initial page number (uncontrolled mode) |
pageSize | number | - | Items per page (controlled mode) |
onChange | (info: PaginationInfo) => void | - | Callback when page or size changes |
mode | 'client' | 'server' | 'client' | Pagination mode |
isDisabled | boolean | false | Disable all pagination controls |
isDisabledPrevious | boolean | false | Disable previous button |
isDisabledNext | boolean | false | Disable next button |
isLoading | boolean | false | Show loading state |
isLoop | boolean | false | Enable infinite loop navigation |
boundaries | number | 1 | Number of boundary pages |
siblingCount | number | 1 | Number of sibling pages |
size | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'md' | Button size |
variant | 'solid' | 'outline' | 'solid' | Button variant |
color | 'primary' | 'secondary' | 'primary' | Button color |
rounded | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'full' | 'md' | Button border radius |
previousIcon | ReactNode | <ChevronLeft /> | Custom previous button icon |
nextIcon | ReactNode | <ChevronRight /> | Custom next button icon |
dots | ReactNode | string | ... | Custom dots/ellipsis |
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